From leftover materials during model production, we can create unique and practical gadgets that not only serve a purpose but also care for the environment. One such idea is laptop stands made from material scraps. In today’s world, where remote work is becoming increasingly common and laptops are an integral part of our daily…

Sweden’s first canoe lock

  Comaxel is extremely pleased to have contributed to the creation of Sweden’s first canoe lock, designed by Gert Petersen from Dannozzle. We are proud to have supported a project that promotes an active lifestyle and the development of recreational infrastructure in Malmö.

247,000 PET BOTTLES in one 35×5 ROTOR

At Comaxel, we reduce our environmental impact and help the planet. We recycle items that cannot be reused. A perfect example is the rotor, which holds 247,000 recycled PET bottles. More specifically, the material used to build the rotor is Kerdyn. How is Kerdyn made? PET bottles are crushed into flakes from the flakes to…


  Dear ladies of Comaxel, On this special day, we celebrate the incredible strength, talent, and grace that each of you brings to our company. Happy International Women’s Day! Your dedication, creativity, and hard work contribute immensely to our success, making Comaxel a better place to work and thrive. May this day be a reminder…


Stale wspieramy zdobywanie wykształcenia i kwalifikacji zawodowych nie tylko wśród naszych pracowników, ale również wśród młodzieży. Współpracujemy m.in. z Zespołem Szkół Zawodowych w Gołdapi. Pozdrawiamy dyrektora Pana Piotra oraz pracowników, życzymy dalszych sukcesów w kształceniu młodzieży.

UDT Examination – MECHANICAL Lift Trucks

On the fifteenth of November, the UDT Examination (MECHANICAL Lift Trucks) was held at our headquarters. As the co-organizer of the course and the exam, we would like to thank you for the numerous interest. We would like to congratulate everyone 🤝 on passing the exam and especially two of its participants, our employees Kamil…