Stale wspieramy zdobywanie wykształcenia i kwalifikacji zawodowych nie tylko wśród naszych pracowników, ale również wśród młodzieży. Współpracujemy z Zespołem Szkół Zawodowych w Gołdapi. Pozdrawiamy dyrektora Pana Piotra oraz pracowników, życzymy dalszych sukcesów w kształceniu młodzieży.

UDT Examination – MECHANICAL Lift Trucks

On the fifteenth of November, the UDT Examination (MECHANICAL Lift Trucks) was held at our headquarters. As the co-organizer of the course and the exam, we would like to thank you for the numerous interest. We would like to congratulate everyone 🤝 on passing the exam and especially two of its participants, our employees Kamil…

ROTORS trip to China

Rotors reached their final destination in China. 👇 October is the right time for a little recap. 2023 is a booming year 💪. Like a mighty tree, we have strengthened our roots and we are climbing upward. Thanks to trusted partners and employees, we are ready for anything. New projects and many innovations are coming…

Comaxel – Shipping

Rotors reached the container terminal DCT Gdansk, where they will be loaded onto the container ship MARIT MAERSK, which will transport them to China. Rotory dotarły do terminalu kontenerowego DCT Gdańsk, gdzie zostaną załadowane na kontenerowiec MARIT MAERSK, który przetransportuje je do Chin.

Jubileusz 10-lecia działalności firmy

Company’s 10th anniversary When we started, we did not assume that we would be where we are now. There are almost 100 of us, no one expected that. It’s been a long journey full of ups and downs, mostly ups and opportunities to work with wonderful people who work hard and are committed to what…

Respect for Nature

  We respect nature, so we choose renewable electricity from Respect Energy. Recycle, Reuse, Reduce – GO GREEN Szanujemy przyrodę , dlatego wybieramy odnawialne źródła energii elektrycznej od Respect Energy. Recykling, Ponowne użycie, Redukcja – POSTAW NA EKOLOGIĘ